Medical Professionals

Medical Professional

We want teens to know that we are there for them… It is also good for everyone else involved to know that we are doing what we can to impact our community in a positive way.

John DeBlasis, Wheeling Hospital Director of Physical Therapy Rehabilitation, DFCA Teammate Since 2009


Drug testing serves as the backbone of the DFCA prevention strategy, offering members a safety net when they need it most. DFCA provides each school all of the necessary drug testing kits, forms, pre-paid shipping supplies, labs and follow up services, but we cannot be there to collect the samples. This provides another avenue to engage the community!

Each school partners with a local medical professional who donates staff time to come to the schools as their Club’s “collector”. This is a unique opportunity for them to get out into their community interacting with the school’s faculty, staff, students and families in the school.

Each collector’s generosity and sense of community is the reason why our teens have the power to say, “I can’t, I might get tested”.

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