Fundraiser Toolkit

We are excited to share the Drug Free Clubs of America Fundraising Toolkit! This toolkit is designed to simplify the process of planning and executing a successful club fundraiser. You’ll find communication schedule sample emails, social media posts, and graphics that you’re welcome to use or adapt to your unique fundraising effort. The best part? You’ll keep 80% of the funds raised for your school during Red Ribbon Week.
We’re also providing an easy to implement online giving platform that will allow your club to create a school landing page, use multiple people to fundraise, and collect gifts online. We’ll be tracking schools’ participation on our public leaderboard and we’ll announce the winning club at the end of the fundraiser.
Fundraising Toolkit
Canva Link for Email Graphics
Canva Link for Social Graphics
Online Giving Form – Link to view the main Red Ribbon Week Fundraiser Page and Create Your School’s Page
Online Giving Form Instructional Video
Online Giving Form Instructions
Please reach out with any questions or concerns to Heather McGowan at