A proven plan to be the hero of your own drug free story Making the Right Choice EasyTM Get Started

Since 2005, We’ve Been Partnering with Communities.

A team of Firefighters founded Drug Free Clubs of America in 2005 in response to the drug-related tragedies they witnessed every day. They regularly were called on to rescue people whose lives had been devastated by overdoses, violence, accidents, or even death. To them there was nothing more difficult than being called to a scene resulting in the loss of a young life. This was especially true when it was caused by something as avoidable as drug abuse. It stung even more to know that every single one of those teens were drug-free at one point.


DFCA has a direct impact on empowering DFCA Members to live drug-free:

Agree they are more CONFIDENT about how to handle situations with drugs.
Agree that one or more aspects of DFCA have helped them stay drug-free.
Agree that they would recommend DFCA to others.
Agree that their experience with DFCA will have a positive impact on their long-term future.
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We Know How Hard It Is

As a school, you want to keep students healthy and engaged.

As a community, you want to create a safe place for all.

As a parent, you want to protect your child’s future.

As a student, you want a supportive community and a place to belong.

We’re here to help!


This club is about people helping people, it is what inspires teenagers to go out of their way and help others rise against the temptation of drugs.

Haley B., Sophomore

Sometimes I think “What if I wasn’t in the Drug Free Club of America? What if I had been steered into peer-pressure and smoked that night?” Every high school student should be a member of The Drug Free Club of America so they can learn that their lives are much too important to throw away on drugs.

Alex H., Freshman

The Drug Free Club has played a large influence on my life, the person I have become, and the kind of person I will be in the future. I have been influenced to stay free from drugs and alcohol. I will plan to continue on in this way in the future and I hope that I am influencing others to do the same.

Ryan D., Sophomore

Their programs are well thought out and certainly would benefit any school or community wanting to implement them.

Jay DeWispelaerePresident/CEO of PRIDE Youth Programs

This is one club that ALL parents should encourage their kids to join!

Jeannie CainMember’s Parent (via Facebook)

This club is about people helping people, it is what inspires teenagers to go out of their way and help others rise against the temptation of drugs.

Haley B., Sophomore

Sometimes I think “What if I wasn’t in the Drug Free Club of America? What if I had been steered into peer-pressure and smoked that night?” Every high school student should be a member of The Drug Free Club of America so they can learn that their lives are much too important to throw away on drugs.

Alex H., Freshman

Serving Communities, Schools, Parents + Students

Apply for DFCA Membership

Ready to join an existing DFCA Club?

Apply for membership here!

Open a Club!

Ready to open a Chapter in your community?

Contact us to learn more!

Donate or Volunteer

Since 2005, we have been working hard to protect our country’s youth from the devastating effects of drug use. All funds donated here go DIRECTLY toward reducing the cost of our program’s elements. The more you give or volunteer, the more we can all focus on protecting the potential in our youth’s future.


Get the Guide

Grab our free guide!

Starting a conversation about drugs with your teen can be difficult. You know you need to, but you may know how to begin or even what to say during your chat.

We’ve created this resource to make it easier! Download this FREE guide for 10 tips on talking with your teen about substance use.

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